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How Long Do Frozen Rodents Last?

How Long Do Frozen Rodents Last?


When you're a reptile owner, proper nutrition for your scaly friend is essential. Frozen rodents are a popular choice, offering convenience and a balanced diet for snakes and other reptiles. However, a common question that often arises is, "How long do frozen rodents last?" In this guide, we'll provide you with all the information you need to ensure your frozen rodents remain safe and nutritious for your beloved pets.

1. Proper Storage is Key

The longevity of your frozen rodents largely depends on how well you store them. To keep them fresh and safe for consumption, store them in a freezer with a temperature of -18°C (0°F) or lower. This temperature ensures that the rodents remain properly frozen and prevents bacterial growth.

2. Shelf Life of Frozen Rodents

Frozen rodents, when stored correctly, can last a surprisingly long time. Here's a general guideline for the shelf life of various types:

Pinkies (New-born Mice): These have the shortest shelf life, typically around 6-8 months.

Fuzzies (Slightly Older Mice): They can last for about 8-10 months when stored properly.

Adult Mice and Rats: These larger rodents have a longer shelf life, usually up to 12-18 months or even longer.

3. Quality Matters

The quality of the frozen rodents also plays a role in their longevity. Opt for high-quality, professionally frozen rodents like the ones offered by Reptile Rewards. These are often flash-frozen, which helps maintain the rodents' freshness and nutritional value.

4. Proper Packaging

When buying frozen rodents, pay attention to the packaging. Airtight properly sealed bags can help prolong the shelf life by preventing freezer burn and moisture loss.

5. Keep an Eye on Smell and Texture

One of the best ways to determine if your frozen rodents are still safe for your reptile is to rely on your senses. If they develop a strong, unpleasant odour or if you notice a significant change in texture, it's a sign that they might have gone bad.


In summary, frozen rodents can last a significant amount of time when stored correctly. The shelf life varies depending on the type and quality of the rodents, but with proper storage, you can ensure they remain safe and nutritious for your reptile companion. Remember to check for signs of spoilage and always source your frozen rodents from reputable suppliers like Reptile Rewards to guarantee the best quality for your pets. With these tips, you can confidently provide your reptile with the nutrition they need.

For all your "frozen reptile food UK" needs, trust Reptile Rewards to deliver top-quality frozen rodents right to your doorstep.

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